agosto 13, 2016 Susana Reina

You believe in equality for all.

You rebel against the double standard or performance´s pattern with which are measured and valued achievements, skills, etc.

You agree that men and women are biologically different but equality cultural and socially.

Do not think that women are superior to men, and men superior to women.

You see men and women as allies, not as enemies.

You recognize that because of many brave women have fought for women in the past, we are now better than before; to enjoy all rights and freedoms that were unthinkable five or six decades ago.

You admire strong, independent, intelligent and fascinating female figures that fought during centuries of history written by men only.

You encourage women to develop their own qualities, skills and passions and to treat themselves well, mentally and physically. Know their power and to be absolute master of it. Respect and value them.

You respect women living the life they have chosen either stay home or be prime minister.

You look for inspiration and leadership models in women.

You make it clear what you want in a relationship, without restrictions or violence.

You agree that any woman can have a single child or not have any children if she doesn´t want to, or to abort when if she decided, and demand their right to be respected what you she does with her body.

You work for equality policies promotion, salary and hiring for all sexes, if you have a position of responsibility in an organization.

You try to make the world a better place for women by supporting organizations that fights for the women´s rights.

You don´t look away while there are places in the world where sexual discrimination will lead to genital mutilation, child marriage, slavery, poverty and lack of access to education for women.


Las opiniones expresadas de los columnistas en los artículos son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y no necesariamente reflejan los puntos de vista de Feminismoinc o de la editora.

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